
Carven Day Bag

“The label was only launched just over two years ago”?!!
I am afraid it is a BIG GAFFE.
Dear Tina, brush up on your fashion history. The House of Carven is a respected French institution founded in 1945

Hi Lucy, you are absolutely correct. I had meant “relaunched” two years ago and asked the interns to fix it before publishing as I am traveling today but apparently they didn’t read their emails before doing so. xoxo tina

Nicole Phelps on style.com also wrote that Carven was launched about two years ago in their Fall 2011 show review (http://www.style.com/fashionshows/review/F2011RTW-CARVEN/).

OMG. The link takes you to a pair of shoes.

Aghhh! Thanks for catching that, Sam. The shoes are for my “Pair With” suggestion, but not sure why it wasn’t linked to bag as well. UGH! I’m en route to Paris and have entrusted the team to upload my entries. I will change that as soon as I can… xoxo Tina

Super cute, just wish it wasn’t a messenger mexico Soccer Jersey!

Lovin the bag!!!!!

